Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Comfort Night AGAIN at Hope Group

Yep, it's the last Wednesday of the month! To commemorate making it through another month of life, we have comfort night! At hope group this week we will comfort our bodies, tummies, minds, and souls with fellow hope-groupers. We wear our comfiest (yes that is too a word!) pajamas and eat comfort food!
Soooo . . . . what are you guys bringing to eat? Let me know! I'm making chicken 'n' dumplings, I think. So we could use some comforting side dishes, another entree maybe, bread, drinks, and dessert!
Post if you are coming, and what you are bringing please!

1 comment:

Andy said...

We are bringing a buttermilk pie. I am not sure if we are bringing anything in addition to that, but consider dessert taken care of for sure :) I had to fight Monica to keep her from eating it last night!